Your Products Don`t Have To Be The Cheapest.

Written by Akinori Furukoshi

Continued from page 1

--Here is An Example or Two--

You might be a photographer and offer on-location wedding photography like many other photographers do. Don't just list "weddings" in your ad. Instead, offer your service by saying "Ask us about our 'Moment of Life' wedding photo package." If you sell walking aid equipment, don't promote your business by advertising, "Tryrepparttar latest walking aid." Say instead, "Try our 'Space Walk' for your next fun excursion."

--More Example--

Now, let's say you own a gas station along a busy highway with competitors on both sides of your store. You and your competitors put uprepparttar 121508 same price. You want more customers, but you don't want to risk your profit by lowering your price any father. Instead, you put up a new sign that says, "We clean your car's windshield so it's clean!" The competitors also clean windshield but they don't SAY so, and customers aren't sure. When you drive into a gas station that offers full service, you "assume" they will clean your windshield, but you are not 100% sure. Putting uprepparttar 121509 sign gives customers "confidence" and makes them think your service (and product) are special. You have just made your service different! But don't stop there. You can add, "We clean your car's headlights." or even "Clean washrooms are available."

Do you see how to make your products or services extraordinary and how easy it is? Do you think it won't work? Remember when you had to go to a washroom while you were onrepparttar 121510 highway. Now, you can seerepparttar 121511 BIG difference, can't you? Make your products or services different. Don't fightrepparttar 121512 "cheapest price" war.

Akinori Furukoshi, owner of Need tips to maximize your profit? Subscribe to the monthly newsletter, "Cache" now! To subscribe, visit the site or send a blank e-mail to

When Avon Doesn't Call: A Lesson For Internet Marketers

Written by Mary Anne Hahn

Continued from page 1

You might wonder why *I* don't try to find another, more reliable Avon Lady. The sad fact is, Mary's unreliability saves me money. Because I don't always haverepparttar latest catalog, I don't make impulse Avon purchases. When I start to run low on a favorite product, I give Mary a call. If I had an Avon Lady who followed up with me regularly, I'd probably buy twice as much as I currently do. The money I save, however, turns out to be Mary's loss.

In order to be successful, we cannot afford to take a Mary-like approach to our businesses. We need to keep in touch with customers who have purchased from us inrepparttar 121507 past--let them know about any new products or special offers. If we do, many of them just might purchase from us again. If we don't, many of them might wonder how we stay in business inrepparttar 121508 first place, and look to other people to purchaserepparttar 121509 goods and services they need.

Here's to your business success.

Mary Anne Hahn is a freelance writer who wants to encourage others to follow their dreams. If you're looking to start an online business on a shoestring budget, she invites you to join her at , or email her for more information at

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